As time passed by,lots of people affected by the virus,whch has been spreading all over the world for about more than 3 months.

In China ,the virus, Covid-19 was first found spreading from person to person.And the city Wuhan was locked down since 24/01/2020.Doctors from all the other provinces came to this city,fighting the deases caused by the Covid-19.The total number of death was controled around 3200. And the situation is steady for now.

\We all know they control the spread by locking down the city at a very severe condition.But how did they treat the desease?

In China ,thesre is an old method of treating desease.They use herbs ,the original herbs to prevent people from getting deseases.This method is called Traditional Chinese Medicine.This method had never been takeen so much since Western Medicine came to China.Maybe the time is 1840 or even earlier.

The method is simple.That is using the herbs directly not chamical medicines to treat desease.

So how did they do?

They use herbs,not a single herbs.Thus there will be a combination of many herbs together.There is positive and negative of a thing.And they see herbs carrying positive or negative functions to treat the opposite condition.

We take the deseases caused by Covid-19 as an example.The symptoms caused by Covid-19 iare fever, dry cough and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.These symptoms are the virus affected the lung.Considering the whole conditon of a person,doctors would find a cpmbinations of herbs for that person.

Doctors takes several herbs as a decoction as below.Some of you may know it as Qing Fei Pai Du Tang,but named as Lung cleansing & detoxifying decoction.


Here is the protocol they use .And this is the latest one.from:


Lung cleansing & detoxifying decoction

Scope of application: It is suitable for light, moderate and severe patients, and can be used reasonably in combination with the actual situation of patients in the treatment of critically ill patients.

Recommended prescription: Ephedra 9g, Zhigancao 6g, Almond 9g, Gypsum 15-30g (fried first), Guizhi 9g, Zixie 9g, Zhuling 9g, Baizhu 9g, Zhiling 15g, Bupleurum 16g, Scutellaria baicalensis 6g, and Pinellia 9g , Ginger 9g, aster 9g, winter flower 9g, shoot dry 9g, asarum 6g, yam 12g, coriander fruit 6g, tangerine peel 6g, aquilegia 9g.

Suggested use: Traditional Chinese medicine decoction pieces for decocting in water. One dose per day, twice in the morning and evening (forty minutes after a meal), take with warm water, and three doses a course.

If conditions permit, the patient can take half a bowl of rice soup each time after taking the medicine, and can take up to one bowl if the patient has a dry tongue and is deficient in bodily fluids. (Note: If the patient does not have a fever, the amount of gypsum should be little. If having a fever or strong heat, the amount of gypsum can be increased). If the symptoms improve but do not fully recover, then take the second course of treatment. If the patient has special conditions or other underlying diseases, the prescription of the second course of treatment can be modified based on the actual situation and the medicine should be discontinued when the symptoms disappear.

Source of prescription: Notice on Recommending the Use of ‘Lung cleansing & detoxifying decoction’ in Treatment of NCP by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine by the Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine & the General Office of the National Health Commission. (2022 No.22)