
这个月,FDA颁布了《互动推广媒介使用指南草案》,结束了多年来的猜测,并且最终为行业提供了数字媒体使用方面的主要指南。虽然该指南草案文件目前只是为了征求意见而发布,但是它第一次阐明了实时通信和互动工具和技术(包括社交媒体)(interactive promotional media)方面的明确立场。

在这份新的指南中,FDA解释说,药企应该确定网站上的互动部分用于实时通信,此外还要在这些第三方网站中说明这种通信。营销者每月还需要提交针对包含互动或实时通信的网站的表格FDA 2253或表格FDA2301。为了促进提交流程,FDA将允许一份表格中包含多个网站和相应的文件——这与FDA的单向推广材料管理政策的规定大相径庭。

FDA 将在接下来的90天内听取有关这些指南草案的意见和建议。截止7月9日,FDA按照2012年生效的《FDA安全与创新法》的规定颁布了最终指南《关于FDA监管的医药产品的互联网推广(包括社交媒体)的指南》。这意味着,从今年夏天开始,药企将最终获得FDA有关媒体的明确而正式的指南。


根 据PewInternet近期进行的一次研究,截止去年9月,73%的成年网民使用社交网络站点。截止2012年,近1/4的财富500强企业都在积极使用推特,这些企业中超过80%的执行官认为社交媒体的采用实际上提高了销售额。在各个行业,93%的销售人员称他们将社交媒体用于销售工作。




在 医药行业,一直以来都存在潜在的令人担忧的观点:社交媒体活动的缺失使得与不良事件有关的用户自发内容的潜在责任失效。这已经导致行业采取“看不到邪恶, 就没有邪恶”的态度来看待社交媒体监测,实际上医药行业是将自己的头埋在了沙子里。但是,近期的趋势表明这种态度很快就会走到终点。









The FDA's social media recommendations

• Firms are responsible for product promotional communications on sites that are owned, controlled, created, influenced, or operated by, or on behalf of, the firm
- Such product promotional communications may include firm-sponsored microblogs (eg Twitter), social networking sites (eg Facebook) and the firm's blogs

FDA example: A firm provides on its product website an online forum that gives users the opportunity to post comments about the use of its product. In this case, the firm is responsible for submitting to FDA the product website … because the firm created, owns, or operates the website

• Under certain circumstances, firms are responsible for promotion on third-party sites
- Companies are responsible for such promotion if they have any control or influence on the third-party site, even if that influence is limited in scope

FDA example: A firm collaborates, or has editorial, preview, or review privilege, then it is responsible for its promotion on the site; but if it only provides financial support and has no other control or influence on that site, then the firm is not responsible for information on a third-party site

• A firm is responsible for the content generated by an employee or agent who is acting on behalf of the firm to promote the firm's product
- Companies are responsible for content generated by its employees, or any agents, acting on their behalf who promote the firm's products

FDA example: If an employee or agent of a firm, such as a medical science liaison or paid speaker (eg key opinion leader) acting on the firm's behalf, comments on a third-party site about the firm's product, the firm is responsible for the content.

The regulator also said it wanted to receive all user-generated contact (UGC) that falls within its recommendations for interactive promotional media.

But the guidance does acknowledge the need for a practical process that addresses “the potential volume of real-time information that is continuously posted and shared through various interactive promotional media platforms”.

Consequently it suggests that, once a month, companies should submit an updated listing of all non-restricted (non-password protected) sites for which it is responsible, or in which it remains an active participant, and that include interactive or real-time communications.

Once finalised the guidance will represent the FDA's current thinking on fulfilling the regulatory requirements for post-marketing submissions of interactive promotional media for drugs.

作者:泽桥传媒   来源:泽桥传媒



The Draft Guidance for Industry on Fulfilling Regulatory Requirements for Postmarketing Submissions of Interactive Promotional Media for Prescription Human and Animal Drugs and Biologics